Gaea – The Earth Goddess

Day 73/365

What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain…
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine…
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we’ve shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Model- Andrea

You’re not alone.Day 72/365

Who is that girl I see
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?

I met with a model,Andrea this sunday for a shoot.It was a beautiful day and it was a lot of fun.I made Andrea climb trees ,trek through the trail and stand in cold water.She was total sport about all of the madness 🙂

Another one

Alone with his thoughts.Day 70/365

We went hiking in Boulder this weekend. I just love hiking through nature. It gives a sense of peace that just fills you up with happiness 🙂

I hadn’t planned to shoot that day, but I just loved the texture of these bricks and did a simple portrait.

Another shot with me it.

A shot of the mountains in the park

Day 66/365

I have been taking photos almost everyday,but, I haven’t been that regular with posting them.! I am going to create posts for the backlog photos and schedule their publish.

I took these photos when we went on a walk on Saturday to Washington Park. The sky was gorgeous and I used that as a backdrop.

The lake and the reflection of the sun on the lake

The super cool colors on the sky and a house on the other side of the lake with the mountains in the backdrop

Smokin On

Day 65/365

It has been a while since I felt very inspired and shot a photo. Today, I was feeling very inspired by the Wiz Khalifa album cover and luckily my model(a.k.a husband) came home earlier than usual.

The setup-
I used a black sheet as backdrop (Just stuck it to the wall behind the model). I don’t have an external flash ,so I used a lamp to light up the model (in an otherwise dark room) and the smoke. I used a bunch (about 5-6) of incenses to create the smoke effect in front of the model.

Camera settings-
ISO 500
shutter speed 1/50 sec

If you guys have tried smoke photography and have tips for me, would love to hear them.

Sunset game

Day 55/365

I think this is the first candid shot in my 365. I had some ideas that I wanted to shoot,but, there were too many people playing in the basketball court. Sigh.
I’ll do those photos another day. I have quite a bit of catching up to do anyways.
Anyone else having “oh god it’s Monday tomorrow” syndromes ?:)

A hero lies in you

Day 39/365

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Inspired by the song “Hero” by Mariah Carey.

I have really lost my reading habit thanks to the idiot box, so I was reading about how to get back your reading habit (ironical huh? :P). My plan is to go to the library ,pick up some light read and make myself finish the book this time. (I have been returning books after reading a few pages :(). Any suggestions on fast reads???

Man vs Wild Day 11/365

This was inspired by my husband’s idea about how animals will be replaced by stuffed dolls if mankind does not do enough to preserve wild life.
I know I was supposed to put up two photos today,but, I’ve been busy and very lazy at the same time 🙂

If I could be where you are Day 3/365

Today was a windy day and I have terrible tolerance to wind,so couldn’t stay out for long 😦
Luckily, I managed a shot before I wanted to hide under the covers .The wind actually helped in creating motion in my skirt.

I am very excited about my vacation to Dallas for the holidays. Yay! Road trip! 🙂

What are you guys doing for Christmas break?

Texture- Brenda Starr

A great shadow has departed Day 2/365

I have been wanting to do a portrait in this spot for a long time. It was a cold and wet shoot,but,I survived it thanks to my husband’s help.:)
I am a little paranoid about walking on rocks immersed in water because I’ve always slipped on them on hikes. So, I had to crawl to this spot 🙂

This is a pic of G using the remote to trigger the camera ,as I was setting it up.

I wish I had more BTS photos,but,we were cold and wanted to just get out of there.

Texture-Brenda Starr