My place in the world

I am not very happy with this picture. I loved my idea and concept ,but I feel like it did not turn out as awesome as I wanted it to be. There are times when my pics end up looking little different from what I planned ,but it is mostly in a good way.Sigh!Not this time.
I will maybe try this picture again sometime in the future.For now, this ‘ll have to do

This is the original pic of the background.

Jack and Jill

I keep writing down ideas in my notebook and either, never get around to doing them or the ideas are way too complicated that I give up half way 🙂 This is an idea that has been in my book for a while and I finally did it.I’ve decided to keep executing my ideas and just work on getting better. There are so so many talented people on flickr whose pictures will keep me motivated to just keep trying.


This weekend,I attended my first photowalk in Colorado. We went to Kenosha Pass Campground to check out the fall colors.
It was an early morning meetup and the views and fall colors made waking up at 4 AM totally worth it! Getting there early was a good move though.It felt like we had all the nature to ourselves.

Picture of mountain bikers entering the trail as we leave

It is always too sunny here and that made capturing the sky quite difficult.I did not do a good job with dealing with the sun ,but, lesson learnt for next time.Also, next on my wish list is a wide angle lens!

The Sari

I’ve been wanting to use my Sari for a photo. I finally got down to it today. This took a while to shoot and I had help from my helpful husband. I think I would have given up half way if I was by myself.
I am bummed that summer is over but looking forward to the fall colours.I chose this sari (from the grand total of two :P) because it has orange in it.

Another texture from Brenda Starr