Back to origins

According to Hinduism, crows are our ancestors . I’ve heard this being mentioned many times while growing up in India.
I do not claim to have much knowledge about the stories behind all this, so what follows is just my imagination……If we came from crows, I imagine that we probably fly to the heavens as crows when we die.I imagine that Yama(God of death) captures our souls and sets us free on a wide open field.
Ok that was some spooky imagination! 🙂

Back to the modern world 🙂 I am going to watch a car racing event today. Excited!! 🙂

Paranormal waves

This is a spot on the trail that I’ve walked past many times . I remember this spot because my husband is a transmission line engineer and always stops to look at these lattice towers Yup! I know what they are called because he bores(oops educates) me with his lectures on power and transmission lines 🙂
While he does that, I go into my fantasy world and imagine aliens sending us(by us, i mean only me:P) signals and enlist me to save the world 😀

I just finished watching paranormal activity 3. I quite liked it. It was scary!!


The past few weeks have been weird. I’ve been sick of my 365 and photography. So much that I did not even take my camera along when people came to visit us! I never do that 😦
I am torn between not wanting to let this 365 ruin my love for photography and not wanting to give up.
Maybe it is not giving up . Maybe it is about realizing that I shouldn’t treat photography like the other parts of my life where there are rules, deadlines and commitments. Maybe it should be just about doing what I love when I want to.
Maybe it is about realizing that while this project pushes some towards giving their best, I want to shoot by impulse.
While I write this I am realizing how I can no longer call my 365 a 365 because I’ve missed way too many days to catch up 🙂 .I am glad I started it though. It gave me a sense of purpose and fulfillment when I needed one badly. I was very enthusiastic at the start and did get some photos that I love and am proud of.
Anyways, think it’s time I stopped my rant 🙂

Yesterday, I had this sudden urge to take a photo. I biked to a spot that I had in mind and took this.
It has been so long since I did a self portrait without my husband or Frodo with me. I was shy all over again 🙂 I’ve realized it is the model part that makes me conscious. I couldn’t care less about who is watching when I am just behind the camera 🙂

I stumbled upon this show called “Art star” ,but couldn’t watch it. Anyone seen it? Is it good?

Guardian Angel

Day 87/365

Multiple arms is a flickr cliche. But, I hadn’t done it yet and wanted to try it out. The 365 after all is about trying things out. When I thought of multiple arms , the first thing that popped into my head was how it is an extra set of hands( or another person) holding you through your journey in life. I thought about how in life sometimes ,even if you have well wishers around you, you have to help yourself. That made me think about guardian angels and how I wish we all got one. That is why I decided to include clouds in the photo. To give it more heavenly feel.

I think it has been a while since I wrote the thought process behind my photo . It is probably because I’ve not been having too many thoughts ( I really think I am heading towards stupidity sometimes :() .
It’s probably my current lifestyle. It is going to change soon and I’ll probably be smart again 😛

Anyways, I am going to the Free art walk today and I am excited!!

Speak No Evil

Day 86/365

When I was in college, I thought rumours and gossip would stop in the adult world . But, I was wrong .It definitely did not stop at work. Maybe it became a little more subtle. Even yesterday I heard a story from my friend about her coworker and it made me want to roll my eyes out. I guess some people can’t get a life.!
I thought I’ll use that as inspiration and do a light hearted picture for a change.

Let it be

Day 85/365

This self portrait was hard to manage with Frodo trying to pull the sheets and my hair! Unfortunately I don’t have a behind the scene photo of that 😦

My photo was featured in the Grae magazine.Yay!
It has tons of awesome photos. You guys should check it out!

Day 83/365

Oh it’s been so long since I uploaded or went through all your blogs!!
Been on a spring hibernation for no real reason.sigh…

The second one is just a flipped version of the main image. I find it interesting because of the perspective and the awkwardness of my left hand.

Hope you’ve all been good. Now, it’s time to check out all your blogs.

Pensive . Day 78/365

I feel like my editing has become a formula. I do the same things I’ve tried and liked over and over. I’ve almost stop trying to learn new PS tricks! The whole point of a 365 was to try and learn new things.
This photo is my first baby step towards trying different styles. I had to really force myself to choose a processing different from what I would usually do. I usually choose the photo which is brighter and has higher contrast. I also don’t do a screen of texture . I am just trying out something new and I quite like it.!

Texture- Brenda starr