Day 66/365

I have been taking photos almost everyday,but, I haven’t been that regular with posting them.! I am going to create posts for the backlog photos and schedule their publish.

I took these photos when we went on a walk on Saturday to Washington Park. The sky was gorgeous and I used that as a backdrop.

The lake and the reflection of the sun on the lake

The super cool colors on the sky and a house on the other side of the lake with the mountains in the backdrop

You’ll never walk alone

Day 58/365

It has been almost two months since Frodo came into our lives and it has been just great.
He has made us more active, responsible and happy! He is a “velcro” dog, so he gives me (and wants) so much attention. There has not been a single lonely moment since he came into my life 🙂

This a photo of my two boys goofing around while I try to shoot 😀

Motion Blur

Day 36/365

For today’s photo, I decided to try something different. I decided to try my hand at motion blur. I made Frodo run and I ran along with him (Quite a work out :)) .
I could have gotten a crisper shot , but, my model (Frodo) got bored of running and wanted to go home 😀

Well, next time I guess 😀

Weekly photo challenge :Launch

This is also my entry to Sarah Ann Loreth’s contest.
She had challenged us to remake one of her self portraits.
I chose this because I loved the idea of using binoculars and a cape as props.
My initial plan was to do a more serious and dramatic version of this,but,all the playing with Frodo is just bringing out my playful and whimsical side. 🙂

All the resources I used in this photo are mine,except , the balloons

A brave new world

Day 22/365

I’m a little late in uploading today’s post because I’ve been distracted by our wonderful new dog Frodo. He is a Doxie-Chihuahua mix (Though I don’t see it :)) .He is a shortie who was so timid in the shelter,but,once he warmed upto us has been mischievous and brave 🙂 He is all set to take on Sauron (oops world :))

This is my submission to the teleidoscope group’s theme for this week-New perspective.

Our worlds are surely gonna change with this lil hobbit in it 🙂

Background – here