The open space adventures

Frodo and Sammy always have a blast in the open space close(relatively) to our place. We went there during golden hour so I can use my camera and sharpen my rusty photo skills. I forced myself to use the manual mode so I can start understanding(or understand for the first time:P) the F stops and shutter speeds.I had to control the urge to edit these photos because I just love playing with Photoshop. I like them as they are and wanted to upload them in their original state.

Their usual adventure goes like this…..First,they check out the situation before they start their mischief.

Frodo and Sam

Focal Length: 100mm Aperture: f/5 Shutter Speed: 1/1600s Exposure Comp.: +1.0EV

Then they head their own way to sniff, meet other dogs and run around

Frodo and Sam2

Focal Length:    62mm. Aperture:    f/5. Shutter Speed:    1/1600s. Exposure Comp.:    +1.0EV

Eventually, they realize there is no playmate like the other. This is how they show love…..Sammy chases Frodo and they wrestle.

Focal Length:    55mm. Aperture:    f/5.6. Shutter Speed:    1/500s. Exposure Comp.:    +1.0EV

They do their gangster walk back to the car all tired out from all the running around


Focal Length:    135mm. Aperture:    f/5.6. Shutter Speed:    1/640s. Exposure Comp.:    +1.0EV

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