Pushing Daisies

Yesterday was my birthday and G got me some daisies. It reminded me of my dead dog “Daisy”. I wish I could bring her back to life like in the show “Pushing Daisies”.Weird thoughts to have on a birthday !! :)… Anyways, that was the inspiration behind this. But, this got me thinking about how we keep changing over the years and about how maybe we should bring back to life some of the things that we buried in the name of “growing up”. For me, it would be cynicism. I want to be more of a believer and more of a dreamer. Maybe birthdays are not just for getting older and wiser. Maybe there are also for bringing back child-like traits πŸ˜›

Oh G also got me the iphone 4S. I’ve been more a Steve Jobs fan than a fan of the apple products(inspite of owning an ipod and an iphone)… But I think the 4s has made me an apple fan! I love it!!!

12 thoughts on “Pushing Daisies

  1. Matt George says:

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Somewhere in growing up I became more of a cynic. I don’t like that am trying to be less that way. As far as the iPhone 4s I love it. The voice dictation with Siri is off the hook.

  2. Ranj says:

    Love it! Your right eye looks like it has a tear in it. And it looks like the daisies are sprouting from your mouth–much like how we used to be uninhibited about talking stuff as kids. SIGH. Miss those days.

    • studiojan says:

      Thanks πŸ™‚
      And interesting interpretation ! And that uninhibited stuff that we said as kids is what lead to the show “Kids say the darndest things” I think πŸ™‚

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