
I am back to doing self-portraits after a really long time. Self-portraits are hard! All the running between the camera and the place of the shot made up for the fact that I din’t go jogging today. Phew!!

The story of the girl in the picture…I really don’t know. Was she stranded by a man? Was she thrown out of the car?
Whatever it was, a lady does not lose her poise and she sees light at the end of all tunnels!Even when stranded in the middle of the desert.

β€œSecurity is an illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.”

Background – Razy Graphic Design

Another picture from today which I really like but did not use

A behind-the-scenes or bloopers kinda shot.

I am trying to “act” like the suitcase is really heavy!

I really wish I had a vintage suitcase but those things cost quite a bit in the vintage stores.Sigh!
Anyone in Chicago willing to lend me a vintage suitcase ? πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

9 thoughts on “Deserted

  1. myaphotoblog says:

    Really well done Jan. Only thing i d suggest is probably changing the lighting on the layer with u in it to match the background a little more. You look like u have more red on u than the background. Love the shoes πŸ˜€

    • studiojan says:

      I had to cut it because I had to place the suitcase on a flat ground. Anywhere else, it looked like I was floating πŸ™‚

  2. studiojan says:

    Hehehe I am full of bloopers. The best one if me peeping out from behind the mirror when we were doing your mirror shot!!!
    And Peter Parker is Mr.GN and I guess that was your guess πŸ˜›

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